ACP and 5 new members!
У понедељак, 29. 10. 2012. одржано је теоријско испитивање течајаца летњег алпинизма. У комисији су били инструктор алпинизма Алекса Срданов и троје приправника: Драган Милошевић, Предраг Павловић и Ана Стојановић. Течајци су одговарали на питања постављена из области алпинистичке опреме, оријентације, замишљених ситуација током пењања у навези итд. Позитивна атмосфера ни на овом састанку није мањкала, течајци су наизменично давали одговоре, допуњавали једни друге и опет кроз то научили многе нове ствари током овог разговора са искуснијим колегама. Оригинално осмишљене дипломе са сликом једног заједничког успона у позадини су предате исте вечери од стране начелника одсека Милошевић Драгана а остатак комисије је младим колегама пожелео срећу у даљем напредовању у сваком смислу знајући да алпинизам пружа многе могућности. Онај ко га у срцу осећа тај ће истрајати у својој мисији. АОП је добио 5 нових чланова и то Јанковић Милована, Теодору Димитријевић, Марију Јосимовић, Павловић Зорана и Девицу Ченаковић.
On Monday, 29th 10th 2012th ACP had a theoretical examination of the course of summer climbing. The commission were climbing instructor Aleksa Srdanov and three interns: Dragan Milošević, Predrag Pavlović and Ana Stojanović. Members of the course answered the questions posed in the field of climbing equipment, the orientation, the imaginary situation during the climb in roll on and so on. The positive atmosphere at the meeting was great, members of course were giving good answers, complementing each other through it again and learned many new things during this discussion with more experienced colleagues. Originally designed certificate with a picture of a common direction in the background were delivered that evening by the head of department Dragan Milošević and the rest of the commission's to young colleagues wished good luck to the way forward in every sense of knowing that climbing has many possibilities. Those who feel it in the heart will perservere in their mission. AOP got 5 new members, Milovan Janković, Teodora Dimitrijević, Marija Josimović, Zoran Pavlović and Devica Čenaković.
On Monday, 29th 10th 2012th ACP had a theoretical examination of the course of summer climbing. The commission were climbing instructor Aleksa Srdanov and three interns: Dragan Milošević, Predrag Pavlović and Ana Stojanović. Members of the course answered the questions posed in the field of climbing equipment, the orientation, the imaginary situation during the climb in roll on and so on. The positive atmosphere at the meeting was great, members of course were giving good answers, complementing each other through it again and learned many new things during this discussion with more experienced colleagues. Originally designed certificate with a picture of a common direction in the background were delivered that evening by the head of department Dragan Milošević and the rest of the commission's to young colleagues wished good luck to the way forward in every sense of knowing that climbing has many possibilities. Those who feel it in the heart will perservere in their mission. AOP got 5 new members, Milovan Janković, Teodora Dimitrijević, Marija Josimović, Zoran Pavlović and Devica Čenaković.
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